
bitch & moan designs

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__21.04.2003 @ 18:13_______

Chupto was engaged in a minor dispute on the internet with a man named Matthew. He had been posting in a discussion about the relative merits of square and circular teabags. Matthew had foolishly stated that a square bag enabled better circulation of the tea leaves and thus a better tasting cup of tea. Chupto knew for a fact this was incorrect as the circular bags had been designed as an upgrade for the square ones. Square bags were becoming obsolete. The fool had no idea what he was talking about. Alas Matthew stubbornly refused to back down. Chupto kept his cool and provided links to websites that backed up his point of view and asked his opponent to provide links to sites to back up his stance. Matthew failed to do so and claimed the sites Chupto had linked to had been doctored. Chupto began to wonder if he was in fact fighting with David Icke. Many other users of the board had jumped in and supported Chupto's cause but still his opponent stood his ground.

Chupto began to wonder if the man was sane. In the beginning Chupto had assumed that Matthew had realised his mistake but was too ashamed to admit it. That was understandable. On the other hand, maybe the guy really believed he was right despite the reality of some pretty damning evidence before placed before him. An inability to face facts like that seemed to be verging on mental illness. Chupto sincerely hoped that it was the former and not the latter but unfortunately it seemed increasingly unlikely that it was.

So Chupto took the only option available to him. He tracked down Matthew's home address and hired a hitman. Instructions were given for one shot in the heart and another in the head. The hitman was a professional and the job was carried off with no hitches.

Chupto felt smug.

Inspiration For This Tale: Wish Fulfillment.

Sensory Input For This Tale: Arab Strap yet again.

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