
bitch & moan designs

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__20.04.2003 @ 14:06_______

Chupto's legs hurt really rather a lot. He had woken up a few days earlier with a sharp ache in both legs and it had been ever present since. Chupto found this incredibly annoying. It wasn't because of the pain, he was used to that from previous occassions. What annoyed him was that it was a gin he was regressing. Slowly over time he had begun to feel he was beating his illness and was on his way to being a regular normal person again. This leg pain had put him back where he was two years earlier. He had had to walk upstairs on all fours for the first time in a long time and that made him angry.

Chupto had also had some bad stuff going on in his mind lately due to some things going on in his personal life. This combined with the leg pain led to him spending a lot of time laid in bed staring at the ceiling and pondering ways to end his life. He didn't feel particularly depressed. He just didn't feel like there was actually any point inbeing alive while he was so utterly failing to achieve anything in his life.

Could that light fixture take my weight if i hung myself?

If i slit my wrists could i walk to the hospital before i died from blood loss?

Chupto always managed to persuade himself these were a bad idea though and so his life continued in the same nonevent way. He was pretty sure that one day he would find himself in a weak moment where he would not be able to talk himself out of it. But that was ok. It would be interesting to see just how long it would be until that moment arrived...

Inspiration For This Tale: take a guess

Sensory Input For This Tale: Arab Strap - The Week Never Starts Around Here

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