
bitch & moan designs

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Garden Party

__28.05.2003 @ 15:37_______

Chupto Bismol sat quietly behind the garden wall. It was just after ten in the evening and Chupto was shivering with anticipation. He had waited for this night for a long long time. He was about to do something he had been wanting to do desperatly for fifteen years. Now the moment was upon him he could barely believe it. His hand slipped down to his foot and felt his ankle. Chupto's equipment was still in place. He knew it would be but still felt slightly reassured by the touch of it in his hand. Chupto removed his hand from his and reached into his jacket pocket to retrieve his packet of cigarettes.

As he took drag after drag on his cigarette Chupto grew impatient. It was not the warmest of nights and Chupto was beginning to feel a little nippy. He could put up with a little discomfort if it meant the realisation of one his dreams though. Chupto focussed his mind on the task in hand, flicked away his tab end and crouched tightly behind the wall.

A few seconds he heard the sound of a car door slamming followed by the two short beeps of a car alarm being turned on. Footsteps began to head Chupto's way. Chupto breathed in sharply and braced himself. The footsteps sounded ever closer until they were almost upon Chupto. From Chupto's low vantage point he saw two male legs walk past him and down the garden path.

Chupto reached down into his sock and removed the iron bar he had concealed there then lept up quickly and swung the iron bar swiftly down on the back of the right knee of his target. The man let out a yelp of pain and fell to the floor. Chupto applied a couple more whacks to the same spot before adding a few sharp blows to the back of the right leg. His victim continued to scream.

Chupto ceased his assault and composed himself. He glanced down at the writhing bloody mess beneath him. It was a young lad barely in his 20s blonde hair and a rather expensive taste in clothes.

"Turn over" said Chupto.

The boy stopped screaming for a moment before shrieking


"Oh well that is a good point i supposed. Calm down. If you can't turn over by yourself we will have to help you out" said Chupto calmly as he stepped to the mans sied and slid his boot under the mans chest and flipped him over so he was no face up.

"That better?" enquired Chupto with a grin.

The boy raised his arm to his face. He had cut his face quite badly in the fall and was bleeding. He looked up at his assailant. Through bleeding gums he managed to say

"what do you want with me?"

"Hello William" said Chupto with an evil glint in his eye. "I want to talk to you about the May 26th 1988. Do you remember that day?"

"What? 1988? I would have been 5. Of course I don't remember." replied William. The pain was subsiding now but he still was unable to move.

"I remember that day well William. I was at Paul Wheat's 70th birthday garden party. All of his family were there. You, Great Uncle Bill, Aunt Jude, Me. It was a lovely warm day and a good time was had by all. I felt slightly out of place though. Neither old enough to discuss golf and scones with the elder generations or young enough to swap transformers with you young pups."

"You were there?" gasped William in amazement. "Who are you? I have never seen you at any of the family gatherings i remember."

"Oh well now. Young William" replied Chupto "Don't you recognise your third cousin twice removed Chupto? Black sheep of the family. Spoken of only in hushed tones. Surely I have not been erased from the family tree have I?"

"But cousin Chupto joined the foreign legion years ago and has never been heard of since!" said William.

"Yes he did. But then he came back. To see you William. Just to see you. Are you not pleased to have a visit from a long lost relation?"

William gasped and found himself lost for words. Chupto noticed this and continued with his account of the events of May 26th 1988.

"As I didnt feel i really belonged in either of the camps present at the party I kept a safe distance from proceedings and satisfied myself to just observe the goings on from afar. That was until a cute faced, blonde haired escapee of the village of the damned chose to ruin not only my day but my life."

"What?" was all William could manage to say.

"That young boy was you William. You decided it would be great fun to chase me around the garden or day and then kick the shit out of me. As your mother was watching i could do nothing to stop you and she didn't seem inclined to halt your behaviour either. At one point you punched me on the shoulder repeatedly for fifteen minutes."

"You have crippled me in revenge for a bruised shoulder fifteen years ago?" asked an exsasperated William.

"No. Not the Shoulder William. The shame. How could I ever live that down? The embarrassment! Bested in battle by a small child. In front of my entire family. I could never live that down. I was left with no choice but to sever all ties with those i loved". Chupto was growing angry now. "And it is all down to the one little shit who started it all. That shit is you William and now you are going to pay."

William shrieked in fright and begin to push himself backwards away from by his fingernails. His progress was slow and Chupto laughed as he once more raised the iron bar.

Inspiration For This Tale: Some People Know

Sensory Input For This Tale: The Cure - Disintigration

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