
bitch & moan designs

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The Nuff Fairy

__16.03.2003 @ 11:55_______

Once upon a time the Nuff Fairy was having a little walk through the woods. She was capable of flying with her cute little fairy wings but today she chose to walk. She singed happy songs and was generally disgustingly sweet and innocent.

She came to a bridge across a small babbling brook. Blocking her way on to the bridge stood a rather large badger.

"Stop right there fair maiden i can not allow you to pass" he said in his stout badglerly voice.

"but i have to go this way to get to happyclappyvoleland" pleased the nuff fairy.

"have you not heard?" the badget looked shocked. "happyclappyvoleland was wiped out by a small nuclear accident at their power plant. past this bridge is all off limits due to the radiation."

"i don't believe that!" cried out the nuff fairy. "let me past. you are just a big liar!"

The badger stood his ground. "Well you can choose not to believe me if you so wish but i still cannot let you pass this way."

"what could i do to persuade you?" said the nuff fairy with a wink as she revealed some fairy inner leg to him. The badger went bright red and found himself lost for words. Taking this as a good sign the nuff fairy gently took him by the hand and led him off into some bushes. For the next 43 seconds there were loud badger grunting noises followed by a loud sigh.

The nuff fairy emerged from the bushes, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and crossed the bridge into happyclappyvoleland.

"nuclear accident my big fat fairy arse!"

then her ear fell off.

By three days later her whole body had fallen off.

The End.

Inspiration For This Tale:

Sensory Input For This Tale: Low - Things We Lost In The Fire

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